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Louis B. Rosenfeld (born c. 1965) is an American Information scientist, consultant and author, known as co-author of Information Architecture for the World Wide Web.
Rosenfeld earned his B.A. in history from the University of Michigan in 1987, and his Master's in library science from the University of Michigan School of (DOWNLOAD) Download Metodo Di Studio Efficace 4.0; Strategie Per Studiare Meglio In Meno Tempo Tramite I Segret Information in 1990.
Along with Peter Morville, he was the co-founder of Argus Associates, one of the first firms devoted exclusively to the practice of information architecture. The consulting firm was at the forefront of the nascent field of information architecture until the Dot-com bubble of 2001. Rosenfeld became infamous (DOWNLOAD) Download Metodo Di Studio Efficace 4.0; Strategie Per Studiare Meglio In Meno Tempo Tramite I Segret in internet circles by prognosticating the impending "death" of his then-competitor Yahoo,[1] which then went on to IPO and a subsequent 40-fold price increase in the next 5 years.
With Christina Wodtke, Rosenfeld founded the Information Architecture Institute in 2002[2] and is a member of its Advisory Board. In 2005 (DOWNLOAD) Download Metodo Di Studio Efficace 4.0; Strategie Per Studiare Meglio In Meno Tempo Tramite I Segret he founded Rosenfeld Media, a user experience publishing house. He
was also co-founder of the User Experience Network (UXnet)[3]
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