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Si tratta del risultato di una vita di pratica clinica e di ricerche. Il libro dimostra l'importanza della stima di sé per la nostra salute psicologica, i successi personali, la felicità e le relazioni positive. Branden definisce i sei pilastri dell'autostima, quali il vivere consapevolmente, l'accettazione, la responsabilità e la sicurezza di sé, il porsi degli scopi e l'integrità personale. Analizzando la questione nell'ambito dell'ambiente di lavoro, in famiglia, nell'educazione, nella psicoterapia e nella società l'autore fornisce non solo le linee guida per quanti sono impegnati nel promuovere la stima di sé negli altri, ma presenta anche dei semplici esercizi per accrescere la consapevolezza e l'efficienza personali.
Nathaniel Branden (born Nathan Blumenthal; April 9, 1930 – December 3, 2014) was a Canadian–American psychotherapist and writer known for his work in the psychology of self-esteem. A former associate and romantic partner of Ayn Rand, Branden also played a prominent role in the 1960s in promoting Rand's philosophy, Objectivism. Rand [{Scaricare}] Scaricare I sei pilastri dell'autostima PDF Gratis - Leggere Online and Branden split acrimoniously in 1968, after which Branden focused on developing his own psychological theories and modes of therapy.
Nathaniel Branden was born Nathan Blumenthal in Brampton, Ontario, and grew up alongside three sisters, two older and one younger. A gifted student, he became impatient with his studies during [{Scaricare}] Scaricare I sei pilastri dell'autostima PDF Gratis - Leggere Online his first year of high school and skipped school often in favor of the library. After getting failing grades as a result, he convinced his mother to send him to a special accelerated high school for adults, and subsequently did well in that environment.[1]
After graduating from high school, Branden [{Scaricare}] Scaricare I sei pilastri dell'autostima PDF Gratis - Leggere Online went on to earn his BA in psychology from the
University of California Los Angeles, an MA from New York University,[2] and in 1973, a Ph.D. in psychology from the California Graduate Institute (CGI), then an unaccredited, state-approved school whose graduates may be licensed by the state to practice psychology.[3] [{Scaricare}] Scaricare I sei pilastri dell'autostima PDF Gratis - Leggere Online (Graduates of unaccredited state-approved schools such as CGI are limited to associate membership in the American Psychological Association.)[1][4]
In 1950, after he had read The Fountainhead and exchanged letters and phone calls with Ayn Rand, Branden and his then-girlfriend Barbara Weidman visited Rand and her husband Frank O'Connor at their [{Scaricare}] Scaricare I sei pilastri dell'autostima PDF Gratis - Leggere Online Los Angeles home. The four became close friends, with Branden and Rand in particular sharing a vivid interest in philosophical exploration and development.[5][6] After the publication of Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged, and sensing an interest on the part of Rand's readers in further philosophic education, Branden created in 1958 the [{Scaricare}] Scaricare I sei pilastri dell'autostima PDF Gratis - Leggere Online Nathaniel Branden Institute (NBI), originally Nathaniel Branden Lectures, to disseminate Rand's philosophy of Objectivism, by offering live and taped lecture
courses by Rand, Branden, and a variety of other Objectivist intellectuals (including Alan Greenspan, whom Branden had brought into Rand's fold). During this time Branden also contributed articles to Rand's [{Scaricare}] Scaricare I sei pilastri dell'autostima PDF Gratis - Leggere Online newsletters on subjects ranging from economics to politics to psychology.[1] Branden's work at NBI included translating the principles expressed by Rand in her fiction and non-fiction writing into a systematized construct that became known as Objectivism.
NBI expanded considerably over the course of its existence, ultimately offering courses in 80 [{Scaricare}] Scaricare I sei pilastri dell'autostima PDF Gratis - Leggere Online cities and establishing an office in the Empire State Building.[7] In 1968, Rand publicly broke with Branden and published an article denouncing him and accusing him of a variety of offenses, such as philosophic irrationality and unresolved psychological problems.[8] In response, Branden sent out a letter to the NBI mailing [{Scaricare}] Scaricare I sei pilastri dell'autostima PDF Gratis - Leggere Online list denying Rand's accusations and suggesting that the actual cause of Rand's denunciation of him was his unwillingness to engage in a romantic relationship with her.[9] (Branden later explained in
his memoir that he and Rand had in fact been romantically intimate for a period of time in the late [{Scaricare}] Scaricare I sei pilastri dell'autostima PDF Gratis - Leggere Online 1950s; see personal life.)
After the break, Branden went on to publish The Psychology of Self-Esteem (many chapters of which he had published originally in Rand's newsletter), and then to develop his theory and mode of therapy more independently of Rand's influence. Though he remained supportive of the broad essentials [{Scaricare}] Scaricare I sei pilastri dell'autostima PDF Gratis - Leggere Online of Rand's philosophy, he eventually offered criticisms of aspects of her work, naming as problems a tendency to encourage emotional repression and moralizing, a failure to understand psychology beyond its cognitive aspects, and a failure to appreciate adequately the importance of kindness in human relationships.[10] He also apologized in an [{Scaricare}]
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