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Eric Carle's classic Christmas book is now available as a board book! Perfect for holiday gift-giving and stocking stuffing.It's December 24th, and the old farmer settles down for a winter's nap, wondering how Christmas can come when there is no snow! In his dream he imagines a snowstorm covering him and his animals—named One, Two, Three, Four and Five—in a snowy blanket. But when the farmer awakens, he finds that it has really snowed outside, and now he remembers something! Putting on his red suit, he goes outside and places gifts under the tree for his animals, bringing holiday cheer to all. Clever lift-the-flaps reveal the animals hidden under the snow in the farmer's dream, making this board book edition a treat for all ages.Praise for Dream Snow: "Few in number are the parents who have made it through their toddler's years on just one copy of Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Dream Snow has similar ingredients: a simple story, lively collage-like illustrations and a fun gimmick for little hands . . ." —Time"This is a simple, well-told story about a simple farmer. . . . Viewers. . . will want to get their hands on it." —The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books"Carle fans and toddlers learning the basics will . . . enjoy the gentle text and creative design features." —Booklist"The pictures are in Carle's trademark richly colored and textured collages that capture the snowy magic of Christmas." —Kirkus Reviews
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Eric Carle est un auteur-illustrateur américain de littérature de jeunesse né en 1929 à Syracuse dans l'État de New York. Il illustre ses albums dans un style qui lui [{Scaricare}] Scarica Libro Gratis Dream Snow Pdf Epub est propre (technique du collage). Ses œuvres rencontrent un grand succès et sont traduites dans de nombreuses langues.
Eric Carle naît en à Syracuse en 1929 de parents allemands. En 1952, Eric Carle quitte Stuttgart où il a étudié et arrive à New York. Il est employé au New York [{Scaricare}] Scarica Libro Gratis Dream Snow Pdf Epub Times comme designer graphique puis devient directeur artistique dans une agence de pub.
Il entame ensuite une carrière d'illustrateur en utilisant la technique du collage qui lui permettra d'être reconnu. Son album jeunesse La Chenille qui fait des trous, publié en 1969, fait partie des 200 livres préférés des britanniques, [{Scaricare}] Scarica Libro Gratis Dream Snow Pdf Epub dans un sondage de la BBC réalisé en 2003, The
Big Read, parmi les 750 000 réponses.
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